Wednesday, March 24, 2010

my best friend

Have you ever had someone you love dearly leave? I have the most amazing cousin, and friend. Today I got the news. The worst news ever. She came up to me and told me that in May she was leaving. Leaving forever. I wouldn't see her again. We have been through more then anyone could ever imagine and now she is just going to up and leave. All because her parents are making her. I never thought I would have had to go through this but I found out today that it happens to all of us when we least expect it. I never thought I would have to tell her goodbye. I never thought that day would come when I had to tell her that I love her and I can't wait to see her again. I'm sorry peanut but I can't watch you leave after everything we have been through. I'm going to cry every minute of everyday and I won't stop until you come back home to me. I love you peanut <3

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